How to safely put out a campfire

What’s the best part of camping? The campfire of course! At least for some of us and the last thing we would want to do is check in for the night and not properly put out our campfire. In this article we’re going to go over best practices for properly putting out a campfire. Let’s dive in.

First you want to grab a gallon (we’re going to use half of it first) of the water you brought with you or if the campground you’re staying at has a tap get your water from there. Make sure to pour the water evenly around the fire as to hit all the red hot spots. Next grab your favorite fire poker for the trip or a shovel and stir the coals into the soil below. Be sure to flip over any remaining logs or sticks and scrape them with your trusty shovel or fire poker until all the embers are off. Then stir them into the soil just like you did before.

Now we’re on the home stretch. Place your hand over the coals, not in them just yet. If you feel warmth with your hand above the coals, you need more water and stirring. If and only if you don’t feel any radiant heat when you put your hands close to the coals, then you can feel the coals with your hand and they should be cool to touch. If you feel any warmth repeat with water and stirring until everything is cool to the touch. “You’re saying I should put my hands in the coals?!?!” Well yes, and I’ll explain. When you leave warm coals in a fire pit and the wind kicks up at night it can actually get those coals red hot again and enough wind can be a BIG problem for starting a forest fire. Even if it’s not windy when you go to bed the weather can change, so keep that in mind. Now your armed with the proper etiquette for safely putting out a campfire. The next step would be to get out there. Enjoy camping with family and friends!!!

Until next time,

Bill Lincoln

DayTrip Adventure


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